If I was stuck in the wild for several weeks with only the supplies i had with me on the day i arrived, the first thing i would do when i arrived would be to build shelter using branches from trees, moss and rope. I would build a fire, then drift to sleep. The next day i would craft my own bow and arrow using a small knife i had in my bag. I would then hunt or gather food. I would search for a water source,and proceed to build a dam out of rocks and branches. Which would eventually trap fish and slow water flow. Doing all this would make it so i have shelter and multiple ways to get food. So, getting food and gathering food would be the easiest part. I think falling asleep not knowing if you would have to live another day of hardwork in the wild would be the hardest part. Always having that feeling of uncertainty. And not knowing what could happen to you the next day.

Easy- food and shelter
Hard- Mental part of survival
I related the hunger games the the book/movie Coraline. One day Coraline was very bored and found a key to a spare crawl space in the living room. She decided to go into the crawl space one day and found a parallel world on the other side. In the other world there is a indenticle house to her original house. She went into the kitchen and found her "other mother" who ends up being the antagonist and tries to keep Coraline in her parallel world. Coraline wants to leave but cant unless she completes the puzzle and free's the three lost childrens souls. There is a cat in coraline who helps her complete this puzzle and eventually gets her free of the other mothers power. In the end Coraline gets free of the other mothers world and back to hers. But, when she gets back she realizes that the other mother had stole her real parents. In the Hunger games, Katniss is placed in the contest between 24 tributes named the hunger games. It is a fight to the death in a life sized forest. the last one to live gets out.  She eventually wins the hunger games but she bended the rules in the process.  Instead of only one person getting out of the hunger games alive, there were two. Which caused an uprising in the districts. That is how i related the two stories.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2013

